König des Dschungels oder nicht

It is always a privilege to witness the magnificence of lions as they bond as families, playing and hunting together. But when they start to challenge the gigantism of the white rhinoceros, that’s when the fun really begins…

A Playful Encounter with a Rhino and Her Calf

On this particular day, the Western pride’s females and cubs decided it would be a good idea to bother a very large rhino cow with a calf about 18 months old. Circling the rhinoceros, the lions left no room for error. Although it was all just a game for them, the rhino cow wasn’t taking any chances. She began to chase the cubs around, and soon, her calf joined in, mimicking its mother’s defensive actions.

The Lion Cubs Learn Their Limits

This playful standoff continued for nearly an hour until the lion cubs, who were not so small anymore, grew tired and wisely gave up. They followed the lionesses into the long grass for a well-deserved nap before setting out to find their next meal.

A Reminder of Nature’s Balance

This encounter shows that while lions may think of themselves as the kings of the jungle, not everyone in the wild will agree—or tolerate it!

Löwenjunge fordern spielerisch ein Breitmaulnashorn und sein Kalb heraus

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